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Please use this website as a resource for all things Hartland Track and Field.  The website will continually be updated and you should always be able to find info you are looking for. Please check the news section for the latest updates. Below is a check list to help you get started for the 2025 season.  Please ask any questions by emailing


Matt Gutteridge

Head Boys and Girls Coach

1. Fill out 2025 Registration

2. Complete all forms in Final Forms

3.Sign up for REMIND

4.Team Store(We encourage the 1/4 and all may order a free t-shirt)

5. Uniform Order(Order now pay later, guess best size I can switch out)

6. Submit Team Fee/P2P Fee(after season Starts)P

7. Volunteer to help at Meets


Hartland Invitational Sign-Up

(April 12th:All athletes will participate or help) 

Dual Meet Sign-Ups (April 8 and 29th)

KLAA Conference Meet Sign-Up

(May 10th:All athletes will participate or help) 

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