Dear Athletes and Parents,
I hope you are all enjoying time with your family this Easter Sunday. Please take a second to go through the weekly schedule. We have a lot going on this week, two meets and pictures.
We only have 9 days left and we are just over one-third of the way to our goal! ($10,700) Please add emails and help the team reach their goal. Also, you can share via social media. If you have not added emails or donated please help. Everyone that participates will get a team shirt.
Fundraising info page
Pay to Participate
All fees loaded into Mistar. This includes spirit wear as well as the ($175) Pay to Participate fee.
If you need financial assistance for Pay to Participate please you the Scholarship Request Form
Weekly Schedule 4/10
Monday April 10th = Practice 2:45pm at OUTDOOR track for all athletes. All athletes must bring water and spikes/throwing shoes(if available) everyday!
Tuesday April 11th = Northville Dual Meet = @ Northville (Directions)
Bus leaves from track at 1:45, DON NOT go to 7th hour.
Field Events = Field Events at 3:45
Running Events = Running Events at 4:00
Please make every effort to attend. If you can't please fill out the ABSENCE FORM
If you are riding with a parent please fill out the ABSENCE FORM.
Athletes are expected to stay until 6pm and then sign out
2023 GENDER ORDER: Girls track events run first. Boys Discus, Pole Vault and Long Jump first. (Followed by Girls discus, pole vault, and long jump.) Girls High Jump and Shot Put first. (Followed by Boys high jump, shot put)
Order of a Track Meet
Wednesday April 12th = Practice 2:45pm at OUTDOOR track for all athletes. All athletes must bring water and spikes/throwing shoes(if available) everyday! Thursday April 13th = PICTURE DAY @ Hartland High School @ cafeteria NOTE: Bring track "props" like baton, pole, shot put, shoes (tied together and draped over shoulder), etc 2:30 SENIOR Track Boys 2:40 Rest of Track Boys 3:00 SENIOR Track Girls 3:10 Rest of Track Girls Parents: How To Order Photos Of Your Athlete:
PREordering Online* (up to photo day) *Please Print Receipt to Give To Photographer
Auto-Download + PRINT an Order Form To Turn In With Cash/Check:
Senior Banner =
Please call VSN’s main office at (248) 355-9525 if you have order questions, or email
Practice to follow pictures for all athletes. All athletes must bring water and spikes/throwing shoes(if available) everyday!
Friday April 14th = Practice 1:45pm at OUTDOOR track for all athletes. All athletes must bring water and spikes/throwing shoes(if available) everyday!
Saturday April 15th = Freeland Invite (Directions)
There is one bus leaving the High School Track at 9:30am, the bus will return.
Start times = 12pm: Pole Vault, 12:15: Field Events, 12:45pm: Running Events
Students may ride the bus or ride with their parents. They may not Drive themselves.
Please see the Transportation Policy for more information
Freeland Meet information ($5 per spectators)
LIne-up and Arrival times will be provided on Wednesday. If you cannot Compete please fill out the ABSENCE FORM ASAP.
Sunday April 16th = No practice
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absences If at all possible you must communicate with a coach before you miss practice and fill out the: ABSENCE FORM Reasons to miss = Illness, school function that can't be done any other time. Remember communication is key.
Matt Gutteridge Head Boys and Girls Track and Field Coach